PS5 sales increased by an eye-watering 202 per cent year-over-year across Europe in January, underlining Sony’s outrageously aggressive approach to 2023. In fact, the Japanese giant’s new-gen system was the only one to grow on the continent, as Nintendo Switch saw an 11 per cent decline during the same period, while Xbox Series X|S slumped by 32 per cent.
PlayStation has recently rolled out a ridiculous advertising campaign, which has seen it plaster its latest system all over the globe with commercials and viral marketing efforts. In Paris, for example, it opened a pop-up café dedicated to the Horizon Forbidden West game – and we’ve seen similar efforts around the world. It all aligns with the firm’s eye-watering shipment targets, which saw it actually increase its estimates for the current fiscal year.
Sony has always sold well in Europe, and these dizzying figures are likely aided by the fact that the PS5 actually underperformed last January due to stock shortages – but it shows that the console manufacturer is firing on all cylinders right now, and this is shaping up to be a mammoth year for the machine.
A true PlayStation veteran, Sammy's covered the world of PS gaming for years, with an enormous Trophy count to prove it. He also likes tennis games way more than you.
With the whole stock issue of the pandemic getting further and further away in the rear view mirror, I'm not surprised that sales are starting to really ramp up.
We need an event. I need to see that big, beautiful, smug smile from our guy Jim Ryan as he drops the megaton exclusives.
The PS4’s legacy lives on carrying the PS5
@JSnow2 Yeah, surely an event is coming soon now. They need to announce some new software at some point, and it finally feels like the stock is in a place where they can confidently market their lineup.
@JSnow2 oh yeah he’s smugging harder than sly cooper in that profile pic that might as well be an obituary pic
sly cooper died for the one-trick exclusives ??
Jim "Flying of the Shelves" Ryan must be a happy man.
(actually I am too - but for other reasons - I want Nintendo to be pressured into releasing new hardware )
Jeez, down 32% from Xbox is a bit concerning for MS if stock shortages aren’t the issue.
Not surprised that PS5 has rebounded though. There was once a time where I felt I was showcasing rare futuristic technology when people would see mine. Ah, those were the days… and now onto the days where the future is now!
@shgamer Me too. After being spoiled with the graphics on the PS5 and Xbox it is getting harder by the day to go back to the Switch. BOW Tears of the Kingdom is going to look old and dated when I play it. I would love an updated switch.
I think we'll get a State of Play at the very least because they have to start advertising Horizon Burning Shores DLC and give another update to FFXVI and Stellar Blade. I think the showcase will have Spiderman 2 in the summer. God of War Ragnarok sold 11 million copies in two months and they really only started to show the game off a few weeks before release. We really don't need to see Spiderman 2 that until then either. I get people are excited but one of the reasons people love Sony's showcases is because they let the games speak for themselves. By waiting they allow devs to send great gameplay footage over to them that represents something closer to the final product. First impressions matter.
Not too surprising considering it's Europe and last year's shortages were severe. But these articles...come on, it's now Financial Times and every article has a picture of Jimbo just to elicit the clicks. Don't become Nintendo Life! That site already went down the dumper a while back!
@get2sammyb agree! I'm guessing that rumor was fairly accurate, drop a State of Play soon to cover Burning Shores, Resident Evil 4 and other stuff for the next few months, then hopefully a bigger event planned around June.
@nomither6 haha Sly WILL return! Keep the faith!!
@somnambulance if starfield doesn't increase their sales, I think Xbox is done for
The PS5 demand is crazy higher than any other console
@JSnow2 All this news of PS5 growth screams for an event, I hope the rumours are true that something soon is coming!
Although, could do without seeing Jim Ryan during the announcements ?
I love it, always the same names getting their feathers ruffled. There needs to be a Jim pic on every article.
@JSnow2 "haha Sly WILL return! Keep the faith!!"
I'm going to hold you to that!
A factor of 3 is only relative. 3x a small number don‘t have to be a big number.
@Americansamurai1 if MS could drop consoles they would do. to them its all on GP now, hence the need for studios with big back catalogues.
plus it gets overlooked but MS targetting studios whose games will keep you subbed for months.
Imagine how many consoles they’ll sell when the new Spider-Man game comes out at Christmas.
@NEStalgia you say NL did, admittedly ive not been around PX aslong but i find they remove/no articles on anything negative xbox.
PS to give it credit still put out figures even when figures were low.
it would be much better if all numbers were available easier ie digital included. can live in hope.
@stvevan I just don't know how gamepass can survive. with game development increasing, it's going to be very hard for Microsoft to keep justifying sinking money into it. I Can only imagine how much starfield cost to develop.
@stvevan NL became little more than a weird tabloid once Switch reached critical mass, and the community really went downhill and deep into the "Nintendo Defense Force" mode.
I didn't compare to PXB, for now the problem there is no articles on anything....really at all, pro or minus. They just seem really understaffed and a lack of first party.....anything....has kept that from changing.
I just think Push really has become pretty good and balanced, and ever since good numbers started rolling in, it's changing more into that tabloid mode. Same management and all ,I know, the goal is to become The Daily Mirror of gaming, I'm sure
2023 is gonna be a BIG year for Gamepass… but right now… at this instant… Phil’s chickens are finally coming home to roost. Will their big year happen too late? Probably not… but it’s about time these Gamepass-apology filled articles (not just here but across the interwebz) quit it for a minute.
No no don’t say that…….. MS will use that in court against Sony??♂️ ??????
To be fair, @Splatmaster, you are actually right. Figures like this can, and will, be used to demonstrate the dominance of the PlayStation, and as evidence as to why the ABK acquisition will not harm Sony in the slightest, particularly not with the 10 year deal that Microsoft are offering Sony in relation to CoD. Added to which, should the deal actually fail, anyone thinking that ABK will continue to cosy on up with Sony is delusional. If anything, Xbox will get far better treatment from ABK than Sony ever got...
@NEStalgia it's no different than pure Xbox doing an article everytime Phil Spencer farts lol
@Americansamurai1 One factor I think a lot are missing, is you can tell a little of what Microsoft's angle is by looking at Sony's revenue numbers. Look at that MASSIVE portion of Sony's profits that come in from the big GaaS games. Fortnite, CoD, GTAV:O, etc. In reality the revenue from those big games dwarves pretty much all the big Sony Studios games, and pretty much everything else, too. And MS is missing that as the last-place console. In reality, even subsidizing user base via GP, even if it lost money (I'm not convinced it does, but even if we assume it does) is worth it to boost user base to get that big audience for those big online games into the ecosystem. At the end of that day that's the only money that really even matters.
Really at the end of they day, everything else either company does exists solely for the purpose of getting as many Fortnite/GTA/CoD/Apex/FIFA players on their platform as possible. The sad state of 2023 gaming.
Sony up that much isn’t surprising given stock shortages last year. MS dropping that much really shows how many people were settling for a Series X just because they couldn’t get a PS5 though. Must be so frustrating for Sony.
The PS5 system sales are fully dependent on how many machines are manufactured. In the US, I’ve STILL never seen one in a brick and mortar store, with the exception of seeing 1 non-working machine safely secured behind unbreakable glass at a Best Buy. Heck, I’ve seen just as many DMC DeLoreans in the past year as I have seen PS5s (1 DeLorean vs. 1 PS5, and the PS5 was mine!).
@NEStalgia very true that's why Sony is making 10 live service titles. Even if only 1 succeeds It will be worth it for Sony
@Would_you_kindly Somewhat can't argue with that, lol. Content has been......lacking.....that's for sure. But I'm not sure all the "OMG LOOK HOW DOMINANT OUR BRAND IS" stories are much better. Either way you look at it these sites can and do have much better content than this.
Switch is at the end of its lifecycle but xbox dropping off so much is concerning for 2-3 year tech, shows there has been no supply constraints there and stock may have been met
Hopefully Jim continues to bring success to playstation. This is also a huge year for playstation with finally having steady stock, psvr2, spiderman 2, TLOU factions, horizon dlc, final fantasy 16, potential acquisitions and hopefully a huge showcase on the horizon.
Since stock issues have been resolved I also don't see a lot of PC ports for PlayStation-exclusive games being announced. Is this a coincidence? There was literally two a week a few months ago.
@Would_you_kindly talking about articles over there I've noticed they haven't published any news on this or the one about gamepass effecting game sales. Also funny how they only report the UK charts if a new xbox game is in it and the Japanese charts if the series S/X sold better than playstation that week (which has happened twice).
@colonelkilgore Why though? Starfield? That's great and all but I don't see how Xbox's year is any bigger than Sony's to be honest. Spiderman 2 is the bigger name imo and will sell more. FFXVI seems to have way more hype behind it than Redfall as well. I know I'm bias but what else am I missing from them?
@NEStalgia I feel like Push Square just does honest reporting. When PlayStation was down, people complained they were anti-PlayStation and spreading FUD, and now things are up you're saying the opposite.
I wouldn't call the staff Defence Force either, because I clearly remember Sammy making remarks along the lines of "we might not lik it, but it's making money". I don't think that's praising Sony in 2023, but rather they're objectively describing the amount of money they are making.
And, well, it's almost end of the financial year, so of course there will be more articles on money these weeks. It's always been like that.
@grapetrap Most of Sony's PC ports were announced at events (e.g. Uncharted Legacy of Thieves Collection at Playstation Showcase 2021, Spider-Man Remastered + Miles Morales at June 2022 State of Play, TLoU Part 1 at Summer Game Fest 2022, Returnal at Game Awards 2022). So there's likely a February/March State of Play that reveals even more PC ports.
@KaijuKaiser not saying it’ll be a bigger year for Gamepass than PlayStations… just compared to the last decade of drought that Xbox has had, 2023 will seem like a year-long oasis to team green.
Us PlayStation players are used to great games… this year will be no different.
@KaijuKaiser its the fact they have some 1st party big hitters finally, that are potentially on par with PS titles, backing it up with solid GP titles, and ABK catalogue to come too.
a big year for Xbox.... but its having to compete with an instock ps5.
@NEStalgia PushSquare is literally Sony Defense Force. There's nothing unique about any of these sites. PXB hasn't posted the article seemingly confirming Gamepass has hurt sales of certain games. i've been here for years and all 3 of these sites are biased in some way, both staff and users.
@Americansamurai1 I think that’s a little hasty. Xbox isn’t dead by any means, but I think the Activision case has shown a light on the worst aspects of their business practices and has definitely made me feel at odds with the direction Xbox as a brand wants to go toward. Gamers benefit from the competition though. I’m hoping Starfield is worth the wait.
@somnambulance I’m hoping for starfield to be good too but that last showing was so outdated and mediocre looking on top of the last two fallouts being mediocre that I don’t really have any hope for it but at least it’s gamepass day one so I won’t lose anything trying it.
@Doublecell well no one knows for sure of course… but it’s all relative right. You live off scraps for long enough and a hamburger seems like Michelin star level cuisine. Conversely if you live off a la carte long enough and even that seems boring.
209% would’ve been a better number. PS5 is amazing just with the loading times. Everything else included, it’s phenomenal. I’m glad more people are playing this powerhouse ???
@stvevan but thier biggest hitters this year are ones they had to spend billions on over the last two years and were already in development well before the acquisition. Bethesda saved microsoft from becoming irrelevant.
Without them they would lose starfield, hi fi rush and redfall this year leaving them with what? Two years with no AAA games. Something sony would never do and that's without spending 70+ billion on publishers, just shows who's got better management.
@somnambulance yeah I'm curious to see how starfield does. Also curious to see what happens if the Activision deal doesn't go through. That's billions down the drain.
@UltimateOtaku91 Facts and we both know why
What are the absolute numbers, out of curiosity? Percentages don’t really mean anything without some numbers.
@Americansamurai1 @dark_knightmare2 I literally have no idea what to think about Starfield right now. Honestly, to my surprise, Hogwarts Legacy is scratching that long unscratched Elder Scrolls AND Fable itch more than I expected, so the game’s also got a comparison to compete against for dominance (at least for me). I really don’t have any expectation for Starfield since it’s such an unknown entity. Hope we see more soon.
When we saw Redfall a couple weeks ago, it looked leagues better than it did previously. Also, Xbox/Bethesda shadow dropped Hi-Fi Rush, which is a wonderful title, about as good as you can get with an action platform. Even if I’m still frustrated as an Xbox gamer, Hi-Fi Rush made me feel like maybe there’s hope for the brand after all.
That said, I really don’t know where to stand on the Activision deal. It’s gotten so messy. I don’t at all like how MS has shown themselves as a platform and I’ve got serious concerns over where Xbox wants Gamepass go. However, if MS doesn’t clear the deal, who is next up to the plate to try? I’ll take an MS purchase over Tencent, Amazon, or Google. And if that doesn’t happen, we still have Kotick running ActiBlizz, who is potentially the worst current figure in the industry.
So god tier Jim Ryan was right gamepass isn’t sustainable.
Jim Crying.... all the way to the bank.
But they showed gow gameplay a year before.
I don't think starfield will end xbox, but it will surely make them ask themselves again why are they in gaming (good or bad).
@GodofCapcom can't really think of a game more important to them than starfield. Going to be interesting to see how everything plays out.
I remember a lot of people was criticising Sony strategy over the last three years, some calling them arrogant, an doing a repeat PS3 era. But the sales speak for themselves.
@Americansamurai1 I don't think Starfield is going to sale as well as people think. I don't think it going to appeal to the space game players or the fantasy players. We shall see. I don't think it going to come out this year either.
I don't think Todd has had more pressure in his entire life other than now.
@uptownsoul An has been from day 1. When PS5 launch the demand was so high not even parcel firms could keep up with demand on day 1. Brought websites across the internet crashing down. I never saw any of that with the Xbox.
Well deserved for Xbox. Making nothing precious, providing service that will be useful for who already have the console, and buying big companies to make up for lack of consistent production of great games. Also, switch market seems saturated at this stage, similar to ps4 four years ago
Why are we celebrating fanning childish console wars and corporate profits.
So bizzare to see how brainwashed we are to think somehow we are invested, benefit from, or should applaud profits largely acquired by inflating the value of something hundreds if not thousands of times beyond its cost.
If anything we should be criticizing Sony considering they have profited so much yet hardly communicated and engaged in active customer/consumer relations or much of any fan service at all.
Gaming seen just as a business venture and little to no celebration of the artform and fan outreach is killing this medium.
Applauding corporate profits as some sort of win for you while being a mere consumer, a revenue source to tap, to these entities is just... sad.
@KundaliniRising333 dude you don’t understand if PlayStation doing well financially result more and better games for us.
@4kgk2 you mean like 10 live service games slated for the near future and little to nothing else announced?
Or is it little to no discourse to fans and no showcase for over a year?
Dollars at work for our benefit huh?
@KundaliniRising333 Why is it bizarre? I've owned a PlayStation console since the 90s. If they succeed it means they are not going away anytime soon. I'd personally be upset if my favorite gaming company went out of business. Never take anything for granted, life is pretty good right now even with the economy being the way it is. All it takes is one war, plague, famine, etc for everything to be reset. I'm very happy they exist and continue to do well. Absolutely love what they bring to the industry.
By the way, we will get our State of Plays and Showcases soon enough. Patience.
@GodofCapcom I agree, hopefully with all the extra time they were given that it's not super buggy. I remember playing Skyrim and ran into a glitch that if I went into water it would freeze my game and I had to reset my ps3.
@knowles2 yeah I don't either, but they need I to do 2 things move consoles and more importantly increase subscription numbers( wouldn't be surprised if they increased game pass price right before it comes out) if subscription numbers don't move and thie don't get Activision than it's going to be very interesting.
@KaijuKaiser I too have been playing since ps one. My point is Sony should be doing far more with those profits to thanks their Fandom and literally fund there lives.
If you think Sony has been fan centric in the last 4 years in any meaningful way, I fear its just willful ignorance.
@KundaliniRising333 So you rather see PlayStation failing and on edge of shut down like Xbox currently is right now.
@4kgk2 Its sustainable if you got Microsoft muscle behind it, they can afford it. Sony can't afford to lose money, i'm afraid that xperia phones sell even worst than Lumia
@4kgk2 that's not at all what I said. I said and am saying Sony should not be looking on further ways to push out monetized trash that fans have said they don't want, and also do some damn fanservice.
If all we get for their profits is garbage subscription tiers, software and hardware price increases, and live service focused monetization, along with a handful of rumored cash grab remasters and one or two iterative first party sequels.... It's just not good man
Think what you want. But it only takes a slight amount of objectivity to see Sonys trajectory in terms of focus, leadership, and profiteering, and the lack of really any meaningful communication is not good.
@KundaliniRising333 You gave an example of how they communicate and I just don't understand what your expectation is. Let's say that Sony regularly has showcases and they are very much watered down and filled with a lot of talking. We'd get nothing but complaints from people saying "why do they even bother?". You know this to be true because it has happened so many times when them when they had more frequent appearances. I'd rather have Sony wait it out until they can show us a bunch of gameplay in one big showcase without all the extra filler. The games are coming, we know that. I just don't see what difference it makes.
@dimi no public traded company can keep losing money Microsoft have investors they need to make happy
@KaijuKaiser I do hear you but you're kind of going from one extreme to the other I'm not asking for weekly showcases or even monthly showcases but to go like almost a year and a half with nothing to have a release Outlook that includes what one or two games without release dates a bunch of rumored remasters nobody asked for and 10 live service games and yet no detail given on it anything even the live service garbage? I'm just asking for a little bit of Middle Ground especially with all the profits they're raking in.
@KundaliniRising333 Yeah I guess it has been a super long time and we know more about Xbox's future titles than we do with Sony. For me I've just been patient because there is so much this year that I'm interested in. PSVR 2 is next week and then Wo Long is out the Friday afterwards. Then there is RE4, Horizon DLC, Star Wars Jedi Survivor, and then FFXVI in June. We're eating pretty well and I usually tend to focus on the positive. I do hope we get something soon and I think we will given the DLC for Burning Shores is two months away and we have zero gameplay footage. Horizon has been a staple of State of Plays/Showcases.
@Americansamurai1 f starfield doesn't increase their sales, I think Xbox is done for.
$2 trillion dollars and over 20 studios say’s Xbox despite video game fan’s wishes will be alive and well for the long term. Xbox one hurt the brand for sure and they have to earn back gamers one at a time, but they are in the industry for good, they didn’t just spend over $80 billion in studios to walk away. PS needs Xbox to push them and vice versa. I love my Series X, PS5 and Switch and don’t see any of them doing badly. Tho clearly Xbox needs to get 2023 and 2024 right with the big games in development. Sony will easily sail to great sales and Nintendo will slow down some after crushing sales for years.
@4kgk2 Xbox is on a verge of shutdown? They just spent $80 billion in studios to compete for years to come and they are just quitting? I am a fan of all 3 consoles, but it’s this type of sore winners on PS sites that make the industry look bad. Xbox isn’t leaving gaming any more than they are leaving personal PC’s. It’s almost people’s comment like these that i wish they kept COD and really strong armed the market to get their point across that they are in the gaming space, minus their own mistakes for a long long time.
@4kgk2 dude you don’t understand if PlayStation doing well financially result more and better games for us.
Then where is the Sly Coopers, Jak and Dexter’s, the Ico’s and many others instead of 10-15 live service games in development i see everyone upset about? Company’s making money don’t mean it results in more games or even better games. It just means they made more money. Not trying to be rude, but it’s a false narrative, as PS has taken heat on here for it’s live service push, seems to me they need more money or aren’t listening to fan’s asking for more single player games.
@GodofCapcom there’s less pressure, they are owned by a 2 trillion dollar company and the games will focus on PC and Xbox, something Todd has been very vocal about preferring to support and develop for. After not getting a new IP from them in decades, us gamers should be excited to play something new and be looking forward to it more than playing CEO and finance majors. Personally Starfield only slightly interests me, but the Last of Us multiplayer game has me buzzed. But i am invested enough into the industry to know Starfield will be a success and get better in time.
@Green-Bandit Sony isn’t the only brand to have their fans do stuff like that. PlayStations Twitter account is constantly getting trolled by Xbots in the comment sections.
@EVIL-C Agreed and the even better part is some of the people think Xbox is going out of business and even more so if Starfield don’t do well. Not sure why we don’t celebrate Sony doing well and leaving a console 7 out of 10 people on this site don’t own or care to own alone. As a 3 console owner i am here and on Pure Xbox defending all 3. Hence i have all of like 5 people that like me across the 2 sites HAHA.
On the contrary, being owned by a trillion dollar company puts then more pressure, because they have to impress a trillion dollar company. They have to sway some of the 150m ps userbase.
If Starfield is in the 70s, they have failed their purpose and that's Zenimax money maker. iD could make doom 3 but it seems unlikely.
@KaijuKaiser i don’t doubt it and it’s just silly and a stain on the industry. All 3 console bring something great to the industry and for gamers that prefer to only buy one or two of them, thats their right and they choose what would bring them the most fun and excitement. But we all like games and want the others to do well. I bass fish competitively as my outdoor hobby, i don’t wish all the other fishing rod brands to break while the others use them cause i like the brand i bought best. This is the only industry i know of that wishes this bad on the other brands. It’s sad and borderline a mental disorder i thought was reserved to sports fans.
@GodofCapcom hate to disagree agree with ya, but the $2 trillion dollar company was already impressed enough to spend almost $8 Billion to make them part of their business. Theres like a 5% chance Starfield will be in the 70”s. Heck i am not even that interested in playing it at launch, seeing as Diablo 4 will be out and thats more my play style. Rumors are out there that i.d is rebooting Quake for PC and Xbox, like the Doom reboot. That i would play. I used to love quake and happen to think i.d is one of the most talent shooter developers in the world today.
I'd say (for starfield) 60s 5% 70s 25% 80s 65% 90s 5%
I wouldn't care much about Quake if that's the case.
@somnambulance i don’t disagree with your take, but doesn’t it also make the way sony does business seem a little shady? Paying to keep games off xbox, lying or heavily accused of it to the regulators. Not answering back phone calls, and then when MS say’s well we will take you to court to state your case to the judge, it turns into thats harassment. I mean it don’t take much to see Sony is scared of something both from the merger and how much it got involved into the case now that MS said well thats cool tell it to the judge. That showed me a company that thinks this is a fight they aren’t sure in winning, even with being the far bigger brand in the industry. As for Xbox the just seem stunned their 10 year deal isn’t pleasing Sony and wants to do anything to make it work and that in itself looks fishy, but hey this is billions and billions of dollars on the table, people are sure to act a little out of character for this deal. Something i never see said on here is a ABK is up for sale every year or five. This is a once in a lifetime move. This is a huge deal that will impact both sides positively and negatively.
@KaijuKaiser You’re missing Forza Motorsport and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 in your list of big exclusives that are confirmed for this year.
Also, I think a lot of people are forgetting that Game Pass can also be fully played on PC while for playing playstation games you need the box. Xbox and Game Pass are doing fine. They’re making money too.
Also… all of this is not unexpected. Sony just released a big exclusive: God of War while Xbox had none. And Xbox just released a big exclusive the year prior to that: Halo Infinite, where Sony had none.
@Green-Bandit Haha, thanks again for that, Bandit. I saw your previous message at me a couple weeks ago touching on a somewhat similarly-related topic. XD I'm sure Starfield will do well, but as it's a 1st party release, it is listed as a GP title. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about how GP is effecting sales of certain games. I admit I recently used GP to complete both Plague Tale Requiem and As Dusk Falls (both excellent games, btw) during my 1-month sub. It's perfectly fair to report on the facts as they are, although why the Eff PushSquare is reporting this Xbox story, as it has nothing to do with Sony at all, really reeks of pettiness and insecurity on both PS's staff part, and on the part of a large chunk of the PS users here (which as you say, the majority likely don't even own an Xbox, yet crap on it constantly). GP is excellent for the end user, so for however long it lasts, I'm going to say to everyone; enjoy it. i've got plenty of my own criticisms of Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo/Switch, but as I too own all 3, and all 3 give me different things I enjoy, I want all 3 brands to perform well. I also like seeing some type of uniqueness between them as well, which is becoming more of a rarity with each new generation. Xbox has GP/Bethesda, Sony has TLoU, Marvel and deep connections to Japanese studios, and Nintendo has their incredible IP catalogue like Zelda and Metroid plus their innovative hardware designs. There's enough there from all 3 for one to appreciate their strengths, rather than only focusing on their negatives and take the "I dont own it so I have to bash it" tribalism mentality.
@GodofCapcom using your metric scale, most people on here would have had forspoken scoring 78-87 , so i tend to let the pro’s do the reviewing and me just saying the time they spent on this game and the talent they have, i would at least be willing to say it isn’t in the 60-70’s. Sure a game this size will have some bugs, it will take time to really get into its groove and be modded on PC. But it’s a game that will have legs like most Bethesda RPGS. It will be played for a long time and Todd Howard will be proud of it and the gamers that want to play it will and the ones that don’t won’t and thats more than fine, but a $2 trillion dollar company isn’t leaving the gaming space with loads of gaming infrastructure cause one game goes wrong. Sorry can’t buy into that.
@EVIL-C i wish there was like 20 million more of you’s in the gaming world, well said and i couldn’t agree more. I am a fan of all 3 consoles and have my pro’s and con’s with them. PS fan’s are the guy always looking over his shoulder thinking someone is going to steal his trophy wife. It ain’t going to happen and either is Xbox leaving the gaming space. PS is such as strong brand with great ip’s and no matter how well or not well MS does it isn’t going to put PS in a place that they can’t deliver us great ip’s and cool devices such as PSVR2. If Xbox wanted to crush and i mean crush sony into a shell of its financial state, it would have kept Minecraft and be asking to make COD Xbox and PC exclusive. That would take millions if not billions of the Sony table. They aren’t, it’s dumb business, and furthermore MS looks at Sony as a friendly competitor, one they respect and vice versa, it’s the fans that take this stuff way to heart in the most immature and industry embarrassing ways that divides us gamers instead of sharing a passion for the industry. We as gamers should want the work and time invested into Starfield to be a success the same way we wanted god of war to be a success or Zelda to be a success, real life people spend time away from their homes and families to give us this entertainment and all we do back is act like fools over it. While they missed their babies first steps or first words while programming physics or open worlds. Just sad man, sorry i am on my soap box tonight, but it’s just sad for such a awesome industry.
Uh. Lots of people here said forspoken was looking spooky. A lot. Plus ppl here didn't like the demo. I even had my doubts.
I never said if Starfield is bad, xbox gone. Just that it will be a crucial marker. If Xbox can't get the hit with probably their most successful studio in terms of critical and commercial success, they might need to turn a lot of things around. You can't go 3 years without your massive SP only game hit. Hellblade 2 might be the next one, but I don't feel like that game will be massive in terms of content. There hasn't been a word on what certain games will come in 2024. Their development is going soooo slow atm that I hope 2025 (yisus) is when they get their big hit.
Starfield is going vs Factions (maybe), FF16, Spider-man 2 and maybe ff7 remake part 2 (reaaaally doubt it). Just Spider-man 2 is enough to beat xbox's 2023 in terms of pull.
The only massive 90 plus game I am sure of is Zelda. That game has goty on lock. Re4 too, but that won't win goty.
Maybe FF16 and/or Spider-man hit the 90s, but I'm expecting more like an 88 at best
@Green-Bandit I do agree that Sony’s approach is also a bit shady. For the record, I absolutely believe in exclusive games. They give each of the brands a more distinct feel to buy into. I do like each brand individually and the feel they’ve cultivated, though I’ve been on the outs with Xbox for a couple years now because the feel is more along the lines of “Gamepass is gaming” instead of that Alan Wake and Halo feeling that made me love the 360 era (or the Jet Set Radio and Morrowind flavor of an era long, long ago). I disliked the timed exclusivity aspect of Sony’s approach. All it does is delay games from other platforms to secure sales. It’s no good. Always prefer an exclusive to be honestly exclusive. The whole industry seems a lot shadier now though than it did ten, twenty years ago. Unfortunate side effect of success, I’m afraid.
@Green-Bandit Sony been putting out way more AAA games than Microsoft theses last two to three year. I don’t care about Sony old ip I want Sony to move forward with new ip. Sony already said a million times that they will never stop making single player games I mean single player game like God of war Ragnarok is still selling like crazy after being out for months. I’m down for Sony live service games if they done right and sony bought Bungie to help them make sure they’re live service games are done right.
@GodofCapcom I think Street Fighter VI will score high too. Love the direction they’re going in with that one.
And Lies of Pi too I think.
There’s so much great stuff coming out this year it’s almost criminal.
@Friendly It's the first time I can't manage how many new games are coming.
@GodofCapcom wish i liked the Spider-man games cause i have lots of love and respect for insomniac games. Just isn’t my thing, will sell well for Sony and thats great. I don’t disagree with your Starfield points, seems really reasonable and viable. I just think it will be great alongside Hellblade 2 which i think in June we will see more of. Not so sure their development is going soooo slow, as most of what Sony has launched for PS5 only has been slim as it’s easier to make cross gen games and all games in development right now at xbox are on next gen engines and that takes time to get right and learn the ropes. If microsoft didn’t buy Bethesda, Starfield wouldn’t be out right now on Xbox and PS5. It’s more about getting next gen games and engines right and it’s taking some time for sure. Not letting them off the hook by any means, cause i want more on my Series X to play as well. Talk about long dev time and that would be the Last of Us multiplayer game, i have wanted to know more about that for years now. So it better be special, it’s been in the oven for a minute. FF16 is less interesting to me than Avowed, but with knowing very little on when that game will hit, i don’t have much reason to include it in the 2023 window. Unless it shows up in June. I love that dev team tho and haven’t bought a Square game in forever. I only mentioned Forspoken before the demo and more due to the hype it had on it’s opening view. People had made hype for that. Turned out to be one of the worse games in a while based on potential. I think long term MS and Sony have loads of great content lined up for us. Lots of exclusives. Sony by far still has the more recognizable IP’s and they are without question the market leader and a few Xbox gems won’t change that. But COD on GP will dent that causal market some and Sony isn’t happy to lose that, showing they know that their exclusives alone aren’t enough to let COD marketing rights go to it’s competitor. The playing field more level will really benefit us gamers including the ones that are only on one platform and that is my point in all this. Don’t wish away the competition. Be happy they are there it makes your console of choice better.
Already sold my ps5 and got series x because there's isn't good true ps5 only exclusive beside ratchet & clank and gamepass is awesome, but maybe I'll buy ps5 again if there's slim version available.
And I hope sony sells revised dualsense with bigger battery, ps3 dualshock battery life is awesome but ps4 & ps5 controller battery life is just meh.
@somnambulance Spot on man, and i agree with you.
@Green-Bandit having marketing rights is such a weird thing tbh. Sony has had the marketing rights for all capcom, square enix, konami, EA and Activision games, and now Hogwart’s Legacy too.
Feels so weird that Sony is allowed to say about those games ‘yeah, that game is ours, it’s coming out on our platform’ while Xbox has to remain quiet. While all games release on Xbox too, except for FFXVI and Silent Hill 2 remake.
I think that’s the most shady business practice stemming from the PS4 era.
@4kgk2 i dont disagree with any of that. Only here to say Xbox isn’t going anywhere and thats good for all of us, yes including the ones that don’t own one or care to. It makes the console you own better and try. Sony has a lot of cross gen games that are a little quicker to get out in fairness, only playing devils advocate, not taking sides, i LOVE me some GOWR. Game is stupid good. But Xbox is making this gen games on unreal 5 and that is proving to be hard for Sony, MS and third party games, lots of delays on next gen games vs older cross gen engine games that they know the ins and outs on. Example, agian not taking sides, look at GT7 and Forza, Forza runs laps visually around GT7, 4K 60 with raytracing ? That game for sure had a higher learning and development time. It just did, HellBlade 2, using Unreal 5, again not saying it’s Sony’s fault they know how to make a great cross gen game, in fact i am happy they do and did, it gave me great games to play. But as we see dev’s get back from Covid lockdowns and get their heads around Unreal 5 and the consoles i think we will see both teams throwing out better release times and way more games. Even 3rd party games are slowing down on some of the delays.
@Friendly it is and i agree 100% and it’s why in my opinion and many others as well, Sony put their foot in their mouths a little with being so involved in this ABK case, which to an extent they have to defend it some, I respect that. But as soon as that subpoena came their way, they quickly went with the harassment line and has been mainly quiet. Sony has to be aggressive and defendable with PS, it’s their only true commercial success really left. They have closed and sold off most of their failings. If for some reason Xbox and Nintendo and PC eat marketshare from the PS, that hurts Sony as a Corp in ways they are not willing to face and i understand it. Sony didn’t buy devs nor develop games in the PS1-PS2 era, 3rd parties came to them, and said Bye to Nintendo. Then the 360 gen happened and sony went oh crap, we have to compete and product PS, and starting buying studios they had great relationships with and games that proven to be a success, nothing wrong with that, MS sat back and had all of like 4 studios and 3 IP’s. PS4 same thing, even tho Xbox One shot it’s foot, toes and almost ankles off, Sony kept the pedal to the medal and made sure to build a lead to big to be caught and bought more devs, timed games, etc etc, the moment Xbox said we need more than 5 dev teams and 3 Ip’s and starting to reach out to a Bethesda that not only was looking to be sold from the higher up’s but Todd Howard and Phil were friends, and were big PC and Xbox guys and there went a big chip. ABK is a once in a life time sale, devs of that size don’t come open for a buyout often or ever. MS jumped on the phone, but now it’s MS trying to buy their way into the market. There’s some two face going on with this. Myself i love all 3, always did and will own all 3 consoles. It doesn’t make my PlayStation better if Xbox goes away and it don’t make my Xbox great if PS is gone, but we don’t need another PS4 Vs XBox one and Wii U gen, that is not good for fans nor the industry.
@Green-Bandit I’m sorry you sounding like a Xbox fanboy right now. Horizon forbidden west a crossgen looks better than that supposed be super linear hellblade 2 gameplay, gt7 in vr is a experience that Forza will never be able to captured on a 2d screen God of war Ragnarok make Halo Infinite look low budget. Sony make bigger budget and more graphics advanced games than Microsoft with next gen only games like spiderman 2 final fantasy 16 wolverine silent hill 2 on the way and other games that will probably get announced later this year likely in June . So you need to cut that Xbox having more next gen games crap right now.
@4kgk2 you haven’t seen anything from Spiderman 2 and Wolverine and Silent Hill 2 and Final Fantasy XVI aren’t made by Sony….?
Not surprised by the PS5 thanks to the stock issues. Not surprised by the Switch, its a 6 year old console. I am surprised about the xbox.
@Friendly silent hill 2 and Final Fantasy 16 are still exclusive to ps5. I don’t need to see spider man 2 and wolverine I know it being made by insomniac games which is one of the best video game studio in the industry.
@4kgk2 and you are sounding like someone that can’t have a grown conversation. You mentioned GOWR and GT7 and those were my cross gen game examples. GOWR is my favorite game in probably 5-10 years, that sounds like a xbox fanboy? You say GT7 in PSVR, great that will be a fun time for sure. But if you think GT7 looks better than Forza that was shown with ray tracing at 4K 60, there is no need to have a debate and conversation as you are the fanboy. GT7 is cross gen and Forza is next gen tech only. I agree sony has better games at the moment and honestly i don’t think it’s close. HFW is a great looking game, i can’t say if it looks better than Hellblade 2 in Unreal engine 5, cause they haven’t shown enough of it. But what they did show was insanely good looking, but will it be fun? Thats the question and i am not sure. HFW is fun and i enjoy it. At the moment xbox has more studios and all it’s games that of course got delayed in 2022 are not hitting Xbox one, sony games are still cross gen and while i don’t think thats bad and if you can read and comprehend, which i am sure you can, you would note my point wasn’t if they are better games but merely that they will and did take more time to learn and get out for release. Unreal 5 is very new and i am sure demanding, having to try and learn it from home when Covid had people out of the offices, hurt the progression of the engine, the same engine most games are being developed for. I have a PS5, Sony inzone H9 headphones and a dual sense Edge. This has nothing to do with being a fan boy, and everything to do with understanding the industry and what is causing some delays to big games from MS, Sony and 3rd party’s.
@Green-Bandit you have nothing but excuses for Xbox ue5 isn’t a new engine it’s a update to ue4 the same way sony games engine got updated for the new gen you can literally import your work from ue4 into ue5 easily. Car model in gt7 look better than forza so I can tell you don’t play racers. You definitely a Xbox fanboy with all your excuses for Xbox which have the backing of one of the worlds richest company Microsoft behind it.
@Americansamurai1 Trashbox is already done. Starfield won't save it. Starfield will be a huge bug fest flop
On initial reading that looks pretty great for Sony and pretty bad for Xbox, but we'd really need to see what sales were last year in January, when supply was so constrained, to see whether these YoY figures are as stark as they seem.
@4kgk2 it’s not excuses, it’s just not what you want to hear. Call me a Xbox Fanboy or a Sony fanboy on other sites when i defend PS5 against Xbox, i could care less. But you need glasses if you think GT car models look better than Forza. Not to many are going to give you that one. So you going to be dealing out a lot of insults. All good, i will agree to disagree with some, not all of what you said and you just enjoy the games you like. I am not here to argue. I love all games and all consoles. By the way if there is no learning curve with UE 5 why are there still hardly any games launched around it and only tech demos being show by 3rd parties. Porting your work into it is not the only thing to learn and do, sorry if it were that easy we would have seen a lot less delays around the whole industry. ?
@4kgk2 no use arguing with you. You just twist and turn your arguments till it fits your narrative again.
@Green-Bandit you don’t know what you talking about we got a lot of UE5 games released or about to release. I mean Star Wars Jedi survivor comes out in April that’s a AAA game that runs on UE5. People like you are why Xbox is failing badly right now.
@4kgk2 name me the UE 5 games that came out in 2022, go on, ill wait. Sure some are finally starting to roll out in 2023, but you are the reason others on pure Xbox want to see COD go exclusive and crush sony. Never know, could happen. People like me are why the industry makes money, cause i own all 3 and have high end accessories for all 3 and buy my games digital, fixed it for ya mate. Furthermore UE 5 had a demo from the coalition, they are known to be one of the best at unreal engine, they showed a face model on UE5 and said it had more data than the first gears of war full game, on just a face. So yes it will take time to build those high renders on the engine causing delays, Stalker 2 all most released in 2022 using UE5 but those guys have reason beyond a engine to delay their games, yet the video they showed of it looks stunning. Don’t forget to tell me which games using UE5 released in 2022. I’m still waiting.
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