The free summer update has arrived
Nintendo Switch Sports has released its second free update today. Some of the highlights include functionality for the Leg Strap accessory in soccer, new moves in volleyball and some minor adjustments to bowling. 'S Rank' and 'Infinity Rank' have also been added in this update.
Here are the full patch notes, courtesy of Nintendo's official support page:
On the sport-selection screen, highlight Soccer and press the X Button.
On the screen showing how to hold the Joy-Con controllers, press the + Button.
Play Locally Joy-Con demonstration screen
On the screen showing how to hold the Joy-Con controllers, press the + Button.
Play with Friends Joy-Con demonstration screen
In Make a New Room, check the Room ID (Invite Anyone via ID) option. Make a note of the Room ID you see, then select OK. Note: Your Room ID will also be shown on the Member Reception screen.
Creating a room to play with friends.
Press the + Button in Join Room, then enter the Room ID.
Creating a room to play with friends.
Highlighted icon indicating a poor connection quality while playing Tennis in Nintendo Switch Sports.
Previous patch notes - Nintendo Switch Sports Version 1.1.0 Is Now Available, Here Are The Full Patch Notes
Have you downloaded this latest update yet? What are your thoughts so far? Leave a comment down below.
When he’s not paying off a loan to Tom Nook, Liam likes to report on the latest Nintendo news and admire his library of video games. His favourite Nintendo character used to be a guitar-playing dog, but nowadays he prefers to hang out with Judd the cat.
Nobody cares, bring back finished products
User score on metacritic of this game went up which is good
@Goat_FromBOTW it's a finished product
I do want to try out Soccer with the leg strap offline. I won't use it online unless the point system has been tweaked...I remember the game's points towards the cosmetic unlocks being very lopsided towards bowling.
@Ayasplat Without singles in Tennis?
The retail box now boasts a red sash with the message, "Almost finished!!!"
i still regularly play the game, i could argue ive gotten my moneys worth from the game but this still feels like theyre finishing the game over time and not "finished game plus more". thats just the direction sports games have been going this era
that said its nice theyre giving volleyball more depth and the QoL changes are good. i still have issues like the lack of single player content and modes, and 80% of cosmetics being locked if you dont play as the human sportmates
Any Bowlers who roll straight rather than with a curve upset by this. I am outraged! Okay not really, but it does make me a tinsy bit sad.
Bowling nerf, good. My sister was really good at bowling great games with the straight strat, I think I’l challenge her now > : )
The fact that they're releasing unfinished games is one thing, the fact that the content for them is rolling out so slowly these days is another. Way to keep the games engaging Nintendo.
I can't wait until they finally realize people are getting sick of this approach and actually release the games when they're properly finished again. If this ever happens at this point.
- Free patch? Nintendo sure is generous.
Why wasn't this at launch?
Aaaaaaand, we still have to wait till Fall for the first new sport, lol. What a joke.
When you say people are sick of this approach, who do you mean, is it us the core, or perhaps the wider market. As I can understand the core gamers who play games for longer periods, and therefore experience all a games modes and features rather quickly, getting upset, but the more mass market casual gamers who play the game in shorter bursts, will probably not care in the slightest.
This seems a pretty good update to me, and a lot of This stuff will be from players feedback, this will improve the overall experience. And Nintendo did state more events would be released later, right from the start, even giving a timescale for Golf.
@Goat_FromBOTW Just look at the amount of bugs and glitches in games like Super Mario Bros (NES) or other early games. Yeah, you had a finished product, but issues could never be fixed.
Free updates for software / games is something that allows developers to fix these bugs or even add new features. And sure when the update servers go down you can't redownload them, but by then we're at least 3 consoles in the future and everything else already has been taken offline.
@johnvboy As I see it, the way Nintendo is handling these types of games right now is rubbing their actual fans the wrong way. That's all well and good this generation because said casual gamers are still buying them.
But what if the next console is another Wii U fiasco? And they rubbed enough of their fans the wrong way that even those won't buy these types of games blindly anymore?
I can tell you right now, I used to swear allegiance to buying these types of games day 1 no questions asked, but their current practices made me go back on that and now I'm either going to wait until all the updates are done, or just buy not at all. And judging by the amount of negative comments I see this practice getting, I doubt I'm the only one.
Maybe I am overestimating the impact it will have in the long run, but I just can't see this working out in Nintendo's favor for too long. I'm willing to bet even casuals get tired of the games quickly because there's just too little to do, and then they never touch the game again because they don't really keep track of when the game gets updated or what the updates enfold.
I could be entirely wrong on that, but that is the general feeling that I get from it, judging by how it's received by fans and knowing how casual players I know in person approach these things.
You forgot to say that they re-added Miis for CPUs (it isnt in patch notes...)
@johnvboy for me its still a sour approach, essentially early access at full price. it feels more like a safety net for nintendo to abandon a game if sales dont go well, they can easily ditch the game after golf since they never made promises after that, but their free update approach this era will always make people wonder otherwise
its not that its a "bad" practice, but it doesnt favor the consumer at all, and gives the edge to businesses to test how little content they can put in a game at launch before backlash overtakes. mario strikers being their worst case by far
I wish the Volleyball tutorial helped you with strong serves, because I couldn’t get the hang of it.
As for Soccer, the new update is alright. I would have thought Nintendo would have attempted something deeper like being able to angle your kicks, as well as having a way to dive, but its actually alot simpler than that, with the trade-off being that your kicks are notably stronger. It has its benefits, to consider playing legs over standard, so that’s good. I had no problem getting goals in online matches, since those kicks really do go deeper than in Standard. It also helps you out with timing, with it auto-jumping when the ball approaches you mid-air. I just hate wrestling with the auto-movements, since the game is minded of having you approach the ball when playing forward when more often I want to set myself up for a good pass, or even stay in place to regain stamina. The auto-movement does pay mind for you to play goalie when put in the back field, which is unexpected and welcome for me. Overall, Leg Mode is what Single-Sword is to Chambara. You’re sacrificing control depth for greater strength.
@boxyguy It's simple. If a game is light on content at launch don't buy it. If the content appears later on, then buy it.
As far as I can see, these are relatively minor things that Nintendo are patching to improve the game. I bought the game with no expectation of anything extra to be added other than Golf.
@Not_Soos How many new sports were added to Wii Sports? Zero? That's what I thought
Do you remember when you brought a game from nintendo and all the features was there and the contents nowadays you literally buy a game and half the content and wait for frustrating updates. I'll wait once all the updates has come then buying and there's still nothing on mario party superstars.
@Gamergirl94 No I don't, I remember buying a game from Nintendo either being satisfied or not with the amount of content and the game on offer and then going, "Oh well let me move onto my next game I bought", so this whole free update thing is new but you all act like children about it.
@Gamergirl94 I mean if you want to pick on particular games, why not look at the Nintendo Classic Nintendogs, instead of including all the different breeds on one cartridge then instead split them up on several cartridges. So when you all complain about having to wait for free updates, remember they are improving their ways and are no longer charging you $30-40 per cartridge for a handful of dog breeds.
Absolute garbage game. All my friends who got it played it for 3 hours and regret purchasing it. I would say I dodged a bullet, but considering the trailers and ads looked terrible, that would be obvious.
@Goat_FromBOTW I care - please don't try to speak for us all.
@Marxally So a game designed for kids and families didn't entertain you and your friends. Must be garbage, proof positive.
Wait... Still no Golf? Wake me when it's time.
@PigmaskFan Wii Sports never had singles tennis. Plus, Nintendo already has THREE products with online singles tennis options. The obvious being Mario Tennis. The others from the Switch Online service, (and to a lesser extent) Mario Tennis 64 and Super Tennis (SNES). I think it's just to differentiate Switch Tennis from everything else out there and offer a unique experience.
@Coxula It's time Mario Golf has been out for months
@Yosher You are not alone. I don't like this approach from Nintendo too by released an unfinished game then add more contents with updates and patches. I was thinking Go Vacation, Instant Sports games, Kinect XBOX 360 games are better than Switch Sports in term of game contents.
@steventonysmith I don't need a Golf game with a timer ticking while playing. Thanx. But: No thanx, Nintendo.
I wish they'd fix the scoring in bowling. I'm sick of getting Spare, Strike, Strike in the first round to lose to someone who got Spare, Strike, 9.
@thejuice027 They can't fix how the game is actually played.
@steventonysmith I'm pretty sure they sure can, what do you mean they can't?
@thejuice027 They would have to make up their own rules on how Bowling is scored. They aren't going to do that.
@steventonysmith No they wouldn't, I don't think you understand the scoring issue. When someone gets a spare, or a strike, the next ball or 2 also go towards that score. They don't account for this when they eliminate people at the end of rounds. This causes strikes and spares on the last ball of the round to count for nothing. Getting a 9 on the last ball of the round is the best way to move to the next round. It has nothing to do with changing of the rules.
Well sounds like I need to practice curving. I always bowl straight down the middle. lol
First of all, Wii Sports was free software that came bundled with every Nintendo Wii.
Secondly, Wii Sports Resort (the one that actually retailed for $50, which is the same physical price as Nintendo Switch Sports) included TWELVE individual sports. That's way more bang for your buck than the meager five here with one on the way.
Provided Nintendo keeps this game alive for the next year or two (which is a VERY generous estimate) all that waiting still won't amount to the same amount of content you got in Wii Sports Resort.
The bundled Wii Motion Plus accessory was useful from day 1, unlike the leg strap accessory, which hardly had any function for months.
Even the original Wii Sports had more side games (100-pin bowling, target tennis, etc.) than Nintendo Switch Sports has.
I respect people having different opinions, even when they go against the grain. Everyone is entitled to them. But there's no need to be rude by insulting people who disagree with you as you've been doing in your replies. Let people enjoy things, but let people NOT enjoy things too, y'know? Doesn't make them a bad person just because they don't like something you happen to like and they feel jipped about their purchase. More power to you if you love the game, but to overlook such egregious faults with it, I have to wonder whether you even own it for yourself or not.
RiP straight bowling meta lol
@thejuice027 dude, same. They obviously do not know how to score tournament bowling.
Fine as a personal opinion, but I have no issues with this approach, there are more than enough games on my Switch and Series X to keep me entertained.
Much rather have a game released than get delayed, then have more content released later to keep the game fresh.
Doubt there will be any backlash going forward But who knows.
Of course people are free to like or dislike any game, what gets me is when any side pushed their own opinions as fact, and just because they feel a certain way, others are bound to feel the same.
We always get the comment that somebody's three or so friends hate the game, so therefore everybody else does or it's rubbish.
I loved the original Wii sports and this feels very similar, all I would like is golf and some more sports to be added, Wii sports resort was ok but had too much filler for me, too many things I was just not interested in, only a personal opinion mind you.
@johnvboy yeah its just older fans wishing for a simpler time, me included lol. nowadays getting a full game at launch + dlc has been getting rarer and rarer for nintendo, things were much more dire for them in the wii u era which is probably why they felt more generous with game content back then
@Skunkfish thats the approach i usually take too, i knew i wanted to try switch sports for myself regardless of reception. and strikers too since i havent played a mario sports on switch yet, bad timing on my part rip
@Goat_FromBOTW i care and i enjoy it ,So is not nobody
So true, for me the Wii/Wii U sports games have always been about simplicity, I always viewed them as family party games, and as long as the motion controls work fine I am happy.
To be honest with the Switch consoles lack of a sensor bar, and the fact the console and sits behind my T.V, I am amazed it works so amazingly well.
@johnvboy I see what you mean!
I told you, these comment sections always give up the goods eventually. ?
What’s crazy with these updates is the constant communication necessary. There is so much noise out there, and Nintendo is assuming that people and owners of the game are always engaged and plugged in. How many people bought this and haven’t touched it for weeks? How would they know there was an update. If they been binging Stranger Things or have moved onto something else?
These post release updates seem to be far too many. Maybe Nintendo has the data that proves otherwise, but THE AUDIENCE HAS MOVED ON.
@LUIGITORNADO I play every day still, and I always get 16 people matched up to play against. There's still a lot of audience in this game believe it or not and Nintendo can clearly see that too.
I'm so angry, I can't believe they updated the game. I've only been having fun playing it since I got it, but now realize that I actually wasn't. I want to remove all of the fun I had and be forced to wait until they finish work on Badminton, a game I'll never play, because apparently the game isn't enjoyable until then. Like I really want to just sit here bored for months rather than play what's in my opinion one of the best games on the system as-is.
@Nintendo_Thumb I demand more anger!
@Not_Soos I prefer Quality over Quantity, but hey to each their own
@johnvboy That's totally fair, and I respect your opinion. I just didn't appreciate the other poster saying those of us who disagreed were being childish and just being generally dismissive about the other side's concerns. The way you express your opinion is completely sensible, though--and, in retrospect, I probably shouldn't have let the other user's comments get to me so much, as I probably sounded just as petty in my reply.
I genuinely thought the vast majority of Nintendo's fanbase was in agreement about their drip-feed method, though. So, seeing the pushback from so many people has been surprising to me, and I'm curious as to why you feel that way. I suppose you just wanted to have Wii Sports on the Switch whereas I was looking for something a bit more. But even so, Switch Sports is lacking in basic modes like 100-Pin Bowling or even Boxing and Baseball that could always come later but really should have been there at launch.
Stuff like how you can't dress up your Mii, only the Sportsmate avatar, also really annoyed me. As someone who plays as his Mii, it gives me no incentive to increase my rank and unlock new gear. I fell off the game after only a couple hours because I just didn't feel like there was anything motivating me to pick it back up. The rewards weren't there, and the gameplay for most of the sports was too simple for me to find it very fun in long play sessions.
Something I didn't click with me until I read your reply for some reason was why I think Nintendo might be doing this drip-feed approach. Maybe it's not that they're deliberately trying to be scummy by releasing unfinished products, but that they're trying to address the criticism they received during the Wii U days for not having a steady release schedule. They think that by piecemealing a game to us, it will help avoid long software droughts--which would explain how they are able to announce a game like Strikers in February and release it in just four months.
The thing that still sucks about it to me, though, is when Nintendo finally stops supporting the game after a year or two, but after all that waiting, it still has less content than previous iterations that released 10 years before. I wouldn't mind the trickle feed strategy so much if Nintendo gave us a clear outline for what to expect. If I knew upfront that when I purchased Switch Sports, I was paying for six sports now with stuff like Baseball, Boxing, Basketball, and Table Tennis on the way, I'd feel a lot better about my purchase. But as it is, we have no idea if Nintenro is going to keep supporting the game or just stop with Golf. I just want them to be transparent with us, like they're doing with the Mario Lart DLC by telling us exactly how much future content we're paying for.
Totally get why some are upset, but to me this is very similar to patches for games etc, years ago a game got released and that was it, you had all your content and bugs etc.
In the case of content, I would rather Nintendo released good quality sports, then add more finished sports events at a later date, rather than cram everything in (good or bad) at launch.
There is also the question of how long do they delay the game, I do subscribe to the old "Release it when it's ready" mantra, but this is more the domain of larger titles like Zelda in my opinion, Sports games are a perfect fit for additional content and features after launch.
I think Nintendo's thinking on the matter is that if everything is available day 1 in an on-line game, then it will peak early and the user base will drop off.
By drip feeding new content, they hope to keep the game active for longer and sustain sales over a longer period...
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